Ketamine Therapy
Ketamine Therapy is finally here! We are offering an elevated experience with a trained professional guiding you through the entire process
A mind-expanding experience
The use of Ketamine is legal in the United States and has been proven safe and extremely effective for many mental health issues. We offer professional, safe, and heart-centered services. To the right are some of the many situations where Ketamine has provided benefits.
The mental states induced by Ketamine-assisted therapy are known for being revelatory journeys that carry a force so strong that even lifelong patterns of behavior and thought can be changed virtually overnight
There is commonly a positive change in outlook and character that we term a “transformative” response. To get the most out of these profound experiences, practitioners focus on allowing the psychedelic substance to work on the individual in a safe and supportive environment, and then provide aftercare and integration support as the lessons from the life-changing journey are translated into daily life.
In general, the mental health effects tend to be more sustained or have a cumulative effect, with repeated use combined with coaching/therapy.
Treated Conditions
Psychospiritual growth & exploration
Chronic Pain
Mal-adaptive eating
Life transitions
Death anxiety
Essential to the efficacy of the Ketamine journey is an expanded state of consciousness. This period of time varies, usually 30 minutes to 2 hours. Respite from ordinary concerns and usual mind, while maintaining conscious awareness of the flow of mind under the influence of ketamine is characteristic. This tends to lead to a disruption of negative feelings and obsessional preoccupations. It is our view that this relief and the exploration and experience of expanded states of consciousness are singularly impactful. Integration of the journey is key to maximizing effectiveness.
Medical Eval - A medical professional determines if Ketamine is appropriate and safe for you
Journey Prep - Before the Journey, you will be prepped with all the materials and instructions in order to get the most out of your experience
Journey - Ketamine will be administered in a safe and comfortable environment, and you will be supported during the 40-90 minutes of your experience (time varies per individual experience)
Integration - After your Journey, you will receive direct support from a Psychedelic Medicine Practitioner for processing and reflection. This is a vital time to assimilate new patterns and ways of being into your daily existence
Follow-up - Follow-ups can be arranged based on individual needs
A more detailed description of the process can be found below
Change your Mind, Change your Life
The Full Process
Medical Evaluation
A medical evaluation will determine if Ketamine therapy is safe for you and may be of benefit to you. An appointment with an MD, DO, or NP is necessary. If it is determined that you are a candidate for Ketamine therapy, you may be given a prescription and instructions. A Ketamine journey preparation appointment will then be scheduled.
Journey Preparation
Journey preparation helps ready the mind, body, and life for a transformational experience. You will receive a workbook with tips, tools, and strategies to navigate the experience. During the preparation visit we will discuss what to expect technically, physically, and mentally. We will discuss lifestyle measures to modify, items to bring, diet restriction, assist with intentions, and formulate an integration plan. We will assess your needs, wants, and expectations. It is our goal to help you understand the importance and seriousness of this work and that you feel safe and ready.
The Journey: What to Expect
The length of ketamine sessions varies from person to person and from experience to experience. You will primarily be internally focused for the first 30 to 90 minutes or more. Most people feel complete after 45-90 minutes, some sooner, some longer. ​The choice of dose and route will depend on prior exposure to ketamine and other psychedelics, body weight, sensitivity, and history of personal growth work.
Journey Setting
It is our goal to provide a quiet comfortable setting. There will be a reclining chair or couch to lay back on. You will be supplied with eye shades and headphones. There will be music designed for Ketamine journeys to listen to the entire time. Your vital signs will be taken, and any last-minute questions or discussion will be addressed. You will be asked to empty your bladder immediately prior to the journey. Someone will remain with you the entire time. When your journey is complete there will be time allotted for reflection.
Common Experiences
​Depersonalization – Oneness
Recall of forgotten memories, life events, people, feelings
Loss of ego boundaries
Changes in body image
Synesthesia – the mixing of senses, hearing smells, seeing sound
Time distortions
Change in physical sensations- arms & legs may feel heavy, light, or absent
Thoughts/no thoughts, the void, racing thoughts
Emotional lability – laughing to crying
Visions / visits with non-human forms
Death experience
Astral travel
Common Aftereffects
Love of self, others, and life
Increased psychological flexibility
Emotional empathy, “feelings”
Ability to process emotions without becoming overwhelmed
Feelings of closeness to self and others
Increased sense of trust in self and others
Increased energy
Deeper understanding of self
Expanded perception of life
Broader emotional range
Greater resilience​
Sense of calm and peace​
Deepened interpersonal skills
Clearing of old thought patterns that are no longer serve oneself
Respect for emotions rather than fears
Physical symptom relief
Ability to connect the dots with chronic behavioral & emotional patterns
Decreased death anxiety
Decreased this is me and this is other, we-centric
Decreased social rejection, exclusion
Decreased rigidity of thinking – fixating
Decrease in abandonment and isolation feelings
Decreased self-blame and judgement of self and others
Post-Journey Integration
Integration is the act of processing and reflecting on any material that arose during your journey (insights, visions, memories, feelings, somatic sensations, etc.) It is a conscious effort to remember and put to use the experience. Integration increases your understanding of the experience and better enables your ability to use the experience to create lasting, positive change in your life. Integration can last from days to many years. It is often difficult to find people who can understand what you have and are going through. We are here for additional integration appointments as needed.
Neuroplasticity –the ability of the brain and nervous system to form and reorganize nerve cell connections, especially in response to learning– is highly active the first few days after the journey and may continue for weeks. This is a critical time for reprograming. The more effort put into this process the more the benefit.
Follow up
Follow up is determined on an individual basis. Your practitioner and you together will develop your care plan.
Yvonne Read NP
Psychedelic Medicine Practitioner
I am deeply passionate about experiencing life with zeal, peace, love, and laughter. The school of thought that I study, practice, and live by integrates the mind-body-spirit connection.
I have been studying psychedelic medicine since 2018, when I received profound physical and emotional healing from an Ayahuasca retreat in Peru. I hold certifications in: Ketamine and Psychedelic Medicine, Psychedelic Assisted Therapies, Addiction Recovery and Psycho-Spiritual Integration, and have completed 40 hours of training with MAPS for MDMA.