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Minor Autohemotherapy

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Minor Autohemotherapy

Minor Autohemotherapy is a well-established treatment that has been utilized for years in Europe and now in the US. This is a very safe, cost-effective therapy for moderate to severe allergies and supportive in the treatment of chronic infections. Here are the possible benefits:

  • Allergy reboot

  • Detoxification

  • Chronic infection

  • Increased circulation

  • Inflammation reduction

  • Increased energy

This therapy is newer to our practice and we are collecting data on its efficacy with our patients. Due to this, we are currently offering it at a deduced rate of $75 per session. In particular, we are interested in its ability to reduce the effects of chronic allergies. If you suffer from an allergy of any kind, this therapy may be able to provide long-lasting improvement in reaction.


Minor Autohemotherapy can be done 1-3 times a week, with the recommended number of sessions depending on specific condition and response to treatment.

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