Regenerative Injections
Non-surgical method of tightening connective tissue
Prolotherapy is an injection therapy designed to trigger strengthening and remodeling of connective tissue. Human bodies often do not completely heal from traumatic strain and wear and tear injuries. Rather some degree of ligament laxity and scar tissue remain. Brilliant built-in mechanisms of adaptation compensate for these effects, but at some point the tissues begin to complain, contributing to chronic patterns of pain or decreased function. Prolotherapy has the unique ability to address these injuries in a way that wakes up the body's healing potential, sometimes reversing patterns of dysfunction that have been present for decades. It utilizes a simple solution made from dextrose, procaine and saline.
Prolotherapy + PRP ​
Wear comfortable clothing. Make sure to eat a light healthy meal and be well hydrated for your visit.
NO NSAIDS in your system for preferably two weeks prior to treatment. (Ibuprofen or Naprosyn or other anti-inflammatory meds.)
Care + Timeline
Specifics depend on area being treated, but generally speaking:
​2-3 days Rest the affected area. Though it varies, there is usually some discomfort + swelling
Do elevate the area, use heat​​
Do not take Ibuprofen or Naprosyn or other anti-inflammatory meds as they block the healing response we are inducing
​1 week Continue to take it easy, with gradual use as pain allows​
1 month For the most part, full activity can be resumed, but listen to your body and push only as far as it allows​
2 months+ Strengthening from Prolotherapy with occur over a period of up to 2 months, whilst PRP has a slower, stronger response, rarely noticeable before 3 weeks and continuing even beyond 6 months
*While some experience near-immediate relief, it may take multiple rounds to repair more significant tissue damage
PRP - Platelet Rich Plasma
PRP is fast becoming a mainstay of orthopedic medicine, being used in surgery and many university orthopedic centers. It has wide-ranging potential in supporting health through the use of the concentrated growth factors found in your very own platelets. These are the very same chemical signals that instigate and organize healing from injuries in life in general. In this technique, blood is drawn and processed to remove the red blood cells and concentrate the platelets. This solution is then re-injected into injured tissue or joints stimulating healing and repair.​
The Nerve Connection
Our use of PRP has evolved over time and in collaboration with practitioners of regenerative medicine around the country. In addition to the treatment of the usual joint degeneration, meniscus and labral tears, and ligament and tendon injuries, we now—as a matter of course—include a consideration of the nerves that feed the area in question. Hydrodissection and Neural Therapies (discussed below) are essential to guarantee the best results in treating chronic injuries.
Nerves are involved in all chronic pain patterns
Not only can nerves be injured through traction or compression in the traumatic process, and not only can they be compromised from poor blood flow caused by tension or scarring along their path, but in fact just the constant repetitive processing of pain signal over time creates dysfunction in the nerve beds, reflected in patterns ascending all the way to the brain. Without addressing these issues, reaching the full potential of healing is not possible. Therefore at our clinic we now fully integrate PRP ultrasound injections with regional nerve therapies.
Repair torn or frayed ligaments without surgery
Neural Therapy
Neural Therapy is a well established technique, utilizing dextrose, procaine and/or ozone injections into foci of neural irritation. This is often done just under the skin over key nerves, in so-called trigger points in muscle, or deeper yet into key sympathetic centers, ganglia, or nerve roots. Chronic pain is very often maintained in part through irritated local, segmental or regional neural feedback loops. In many cases this explains why traditional pain management fails to help, as typical medicines and therapy do not directly address this pattern held in the nerves, sometimes almost by habit. The chronic irritation and shock in the nervous system becomes a form of "injury" in its own right. Neural therapy allows this aspect of the chronic pattern to be treated and released. In cases of chronic pain, it is sometimes the ONLY intervention that can help actually change the pattern.
Treated Conditions
These therapies can address Chronic Pain across the entire neuromusculoskeletal system
Specific conditions
Rotator cuff
Tennis elbow
Sports Injuries
Meniscus tear
Degenerative disc disease
Ligament injury
Frayed tendons /
connective tissue
And more

Hydrodissection is an ultrasound guided injection technique which uses relaxing and anti-inflammatory solutions to open spaces around inflamed or irritated nerves. This can be helpful for example in carpal tunnel, any form of nerve entrapment, or to help relax chronic nerve inflammation from any cause. This is technically similar to the nerve blocks done in anesthesia for surgery, except that what is injected is not designed to completely block the nerve, rather to free the nerve in its path and reduce inflammation and irritation of the nerve or nerve fiber grouping.
Interosseus Therapies
MRI has shown us that trauma to the body also affects the interosseous spaces—the areas between bones. Modic changes in the spine and edema in the bone marrow are often seen in the vicinity of joint injuries. The interosseous space is also home to pluripotent stem cells, which have been used very effectively in treatment of severe arthritis. IV's and forms of PRP given in the interosseous space can have a profound impact on nearby joints and possibly the entire body.
For these therapies, please use the contact form here or email the office at info@drmontanaro.com to book a general consult